
每日提示。 Now, here's how to calibrate the compass on iPhone:
发现 iPhone 的隐藏功能
获取每日提示(带有屏幕截图和清晰的说明),以便您每天只需一分钟即可掌握您的 iPhone。
- 打开设置应用程序,然后点击隐私与安全。
- 轻敲定位服务。
- 轻敲系统服务在页面底部。
- 确保已打开。 When it is enabled, the toggle will be green and to the right.
The next thing to check if the compass on your iPhone isn't working is the True North setting. Disabling True North makes your iPhone compass use Magnetic North instead and may clear up whatever is throwing your compass reading off.为此:
- 打开设置应用程序
- 找到指南针应用程序
- 切换使用真北
重新启动你的 iPhone
Hopefully, this article has helped you get your Compass app working again. Be sure to check out our other troubleshooting articles for any other problems you encounter with your Apple devices!接下来,了解一下。
每天一分钟掌握你的 iPhone:在这里注册将我们的免费每日提示直接发送到您的收件箱。